St. Bonaventure University

Scholarship Opportunities

Freshman scholarships

我们以学生为中心和慷慨的奖励计划为符合条件的学生来自美国.S. 高中是根据学生的学习成绩和家庭经济状况来管理的. 所有奖学金为期四年(八个学期),适用于保持全日制本科状态和每年更新所需累积平均成绩的学生.



    Transfer scholarships

    Financial aid is an important part of the transfer process. At St. Bonaventure, 我们向累计平均绩点达到2分的学生颁发转学奖学金.根据所有大学的官方成绩单,25分或更高.


  • High School Junior Scholarship Program

    St. Bonaventure高中初级奖学金:Bonnie奖学金, 根据反映大学核心价值观的品质来奖励学生. High School counselors submit nominations. Learn more>>

    BONAS-Teach Program

    The BONAS-Teach program aims to recruit, prepare, and support aspiring teachers in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). Scholars will be able to receive up to $14,在他们在圣何塞大学的大三和大四期间,每年为他们提供3万美元的经济支持. Bonaventure. Learn more>>